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PF-104-20Ft Prefab Mini house with Bathroom/Kitchenette/Origami Furniture


PF-104 Mini Kitchen



Great News!!!

If You are interested in a Solar Container Home?
Here is the standard Bedroom, with a kitchenette, Murphy Sofa Bed

Unlike the used Shipping Containers, these are brand new products.

The 2″ Thick Rock Wool in between 2 sheets of Metal sheets. The  Sandwiched panels form the walls, ceiling and the floor.

Insulated the entire Folding container  for better Weather/Earthquake protection. 

According to AirBNB – Solar Container Houses are popular Vocational rentals. They racked in more than $20K per container each year for the owners. If you know how to operate AirBNB and the container pays itself back very fast!

Dimension: 19′ x 8.5′ x 8.5′, one door, 2 windows are standard style
Weight: 2600 lbs

1. Prefab Container House Price is $7,500

Comes with Bathroom(Showerroom + Toilet), Kitchenette and Murphy Bed!
2. Delivery in LA county, within 20 miles radius by flat bed truck will be $500
Further away, will need your zip code to check cost
3. Installation by our crew: $500 per folding container
4. Concrete slab underneath: $2100 for 22″ x 10″
5. Footing on dirt: Home depot concrete footing $100

6. Permit:  LA city allow mobile storage under 200 SF and San Gabriel

Riverside city allow mobile storage unit under 120 SF

7.Certification for Loan or Insurance

   This is a 2021 article if you need to get certification of your tiny home.  Find any newer update reports if you could
   on your own!
   RVIA or NOAH:  Certifying your RV park Tiny Home
   If your land is not in an RV park, please discuss the same guidelines with your local governments.
   May still need to hire a RVIA or NOAH inspector to inspect your mobile homes and get it certified!
   With the certification, your local government should have peace of mind that your tiny house is safe for dwelling.


New Arrival!


1. Corrugated Roof

     Instead of a flat roof, now it’s a pitched corrugated roof.  Water can drain easily

Corrugated Roof

2. Grainy Metal Surface

    More weather resistant for sustaining environmental abuses!! 

3. Sandwiched Metal sheet now has Grainy Metal Surace

     Insulated with 2″ Rockwool – Density is 65kg/m3=4.06lb/CUFT 

    The interior space calculation, Minus the insulation 2″ thick wall
Interior space dimension:
    Length 19 ft(5.79 meters) x Height 7.7 ft (2.34 meter) x Width 7.7 ft(2.34 meter),
    about 146 SF


Prefab Container House Specifications:
1. Dimension: $7,500
    Folding Container size: Length 19 ft(5.8 meters) x Height 8.2 ft (2.5 meter) x Width 8.2 ft(2.5 meter), about 156 SF – Weight: 2,645 lbs
2. Customer Size $8,500
    Prefab Container House size: Length 21 ft(5.95 meter) x Height 8.2 ft (2.5 meter) x Width 8.2 ft(2.5 meter),  about 172 SF
Weight: 2,866 lbs
Order Options:
1. Door & Windows Options:
1) Styles
Basic Unit comes 2 Sliding Glass Doors. 
Shower room Ventilation window 

The Frame for Glass Panels/Doors will be cut at the factory, buyers will have to buy and install the glasses locally! 

2) Placement

     Custom made orders – buyers can request different places for doors or windows

2.Exterior Decorative Veneer Options:


Buyers can add fireproof siding in all possible colors – Or Faux Wall Veneer Sticker – there are swatch books for selection

Self modification of mirror exterior:

3. Glass Panels or Glass Sliding Door Options:


 – Can also use Glass Panels for the walls, Sliding Doors or even the ceiling   


4. Electrical Options:


Inside of the Container, you can have the Electrical and LED Lighting Sockets

  1. Electrical System – Wiring/Outlet & LED lighting for $200, Special discount now at $100 in promotional period

  2) Solar Ceiling Light – $60 each



5. Bathroom Module Options:


Prefab bathroom module is ready for purchase

Dimension: Length 10 Ft  x Width 8.2 ft x Height 8.2 ft = 82 SF
Can be attached to the other prefab container houses!   


6. Lockable Wheels Options:


Adding wheels to the folding container, make it mobile when necessary!! 

$100 for the additional large size wheels

Look at the wheels, buyers can push to a desired location for installation


To transport in long distance or modify to mobile home category, consider this Coaster Wheels + Hitch kit

PF-902 Mobile Shipping Container Coaster Wheels and Hitch

Watch this video to get some idea to make money by joining airb&b

7. Decorative Parapet Options:


– Decorative Panels make the box container look likes having a gable roof, more like a real house!!  Cost is $300 per for Parapet or Rain Tentage!



8. Combo Options:


Folding Containers can be in many kinds of combinations.  Even stack them up!

Designer’s drawing – ground floor as carport and stacking folding Containers upstairs as Bedroom or Storage room.


2 Container Ground Floor + Balcony2F-Balcony


Small Dwelling Units:

2B1B Folding Container Home


Extra Metal Awing + Poles , added cost is $950

2x20 Front

2x20 Side



9.  Painting Options:
You can ask to paint in chosen colors or adding your company’s logo. 
e.g. Pick a Pantone Color from https://www.pantone-colours.com/
10. Solar System Options:
Additional Solar panels/Lithium Bank, Solar Air Conditioners, Solar Outdoor Security Lights etc.  Please check for pricing!  For glass panel folding container.  The ceiling can be replaced with Bifacial Solar glass panels.  To supply power for the unit.  But the installer must make sure insulation when they install the solar glass panels.   Or we have flat or tilted roof installation parts to place solar panels on top of container.
  Bifacial Panel

Federal Income Tax 30% Credit for Residential Solar System & Equipment:

In the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the tax credit will begin at 30% and step down to 26% in 2033 and 22% in 2034.

==>Download form from this link and give to your accountant

2022~2032: 30%
2033: 26%

2034: 22%

New Features:

  1. Included Storage Investment, either combine with solar or separately
  2. Tax Credit Deduction can be extended to Next year if the first year tax amount is lower than credit.
11. Lithium Battery All in One Power bank to Back Up Solar Panels
Newest Products SM-704 Stackable Lithium Power Bank. 
Top level is the control module $3,000 – included MPPT Controller, 110VAC Inverter and BMS((Battery Management System)
Great For Amateur Solar Enthusiasts.  Just plug in the Solar panels to have “Worry Free” Power Supply and Storage. 
Additional Modules 0f Lithium Power bank stackable.  Each additional  5KWH is $3,000!   
5KWH plus Control module $6,000
10KWH plus Control Module $9,000
15KWH plus Control Module $12,000
20KWH plus Control Module $15,000
Lithium Battery could not be made and stored in storage.  All orders  ship with the folding container or separate orders will have to be prepaid and custom made!   
Maximum parallel connection is 20KWH!

SM-704 Stackable Lithium Power Banks

12.Electric Incinerating Toilet, No Septic Tank, Back Up by Solar Panels
1) This type of miniature furnace type toilet had been around for 65 years, good for areas that do not
    have sewage system or septic tank service.
   All the wastes will be burned into ashes, a quickest way to compost and can be used as fertilizer or disposed of!
   600 degrees can burn pathogens and pollutants, a good hygienic way to treat wastes in a remote area.
2) Here is a short video showing how it works:
3) Current available models from 3 companies
     i)  Texanwww.incinolet.com
     ii) Arkansan https://shop.ecojohn.com
13. Reminders
Bathroom/Toilet pictures for reference only.  It maybe cheaper to buy locally to save extra shipping cost.  Buyers and Designers also can decide the orientation of doors and windows, or the quantity.  For Glass greenhouse designs, glasses will not be included!

14. Order On Line for other related products:

Container Body and Parts

20ft Folding Container, Bathroom Module, Electric Component


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